New Online Booking System Coming Soon

03 Nov 2023
Golf Club Golf

We are excited to announce that Spring Park Golf Course is transitioning to a new online booking system in the coming weeks, changing from Quick18 to MiClub. This means easier booking and scoring capabilities for our valued members and guests!

From Wednesday 8 November onwards, tee times for both our 9 Hole Golf course and Dingley Village Adventure Golf courses will be available to book through the MiClub system.

The MiClub online booking system will open on Wednesday 8 November, for booking dates from 20 November onwards. The current Quick18 booking system can be used for dates until 19 November inclusive.

Mini golfers, please note that the MiClub booking system will launch with a few visual changes. In case you missed it, we're introducing a new look and name for our mini golf course! Please refer to our recent news article to learn about our new look coming soon!

Further information about our transition to MiClub will be released in the coming week. Please stay tuned via our website and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest updates.

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