
Join as a member of Spring Park Golf Course
Are you a regular player at our great little course, and want to take the next step? Great, because we have memberships in all categories still available. Adult memberships start from as little as $22.15 per week (seniors) and $25.70 per week for our Full Adult membership. Junior memberships (under 18) are just $350 per year. Membership gives you unlimited playing rights, and full access to our golf course, everyday of the year!. The joining fee is just $100, which includes obtaining an official Golf Australia Handicap (Golflink), insurance, member comps and member discounts on all retail and kiosk items.
Join the golfing boom and become a member today.
With the move over to MiClub and Golf Link numbers being allocated, Spring Park Golf Course would like to ensure all Member's details are current and up to date. If you could please take a minute to fill out the form by clicking the Member Info Update button, our team can update any outdated information we may have.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have been given a Golf Link number and haven't received a Golf Link card in the post. Please let a staff member in the Pro Shop know.
By joining as a member, you agree to demonstrate the etiquette required to assist us in these outcomes.

Adult Membership - Unlimited