Introducing the new MiClub Tee Time Booking System

09 Nov 2023
Media Release Golf

We are excited to announce Spring Park Golf Course is transitioning its member and public booking system to MiClub!

From the 9 November onwards all tee times for both our 9 hole golf course and Goanna Golf mini golf course will be available to book through the MiClub system. 

Tee Time Bookings on Thursday 9 November and thereafter:

The first day of tee times available on MiClub will be 9 November, 2023. As before, our tee sheets are available to book 14 Days in advance. Consequently, the tee sheet for the 20 November is now open for bookings.

Tee Time Bookings prior to and including 19 November, 2023:

For tee times on days up to and including 19 November please continue to use the Quick18 booking system: 

Transition Period

In the changeover period between the 9 November and 20 November, staff and golfers alike will be managing any teething issues which may arise. We thank for your patience and understanding with our team who are equally learning this new booking system.

MiClub Access

Spring Park Golf Course Members - Email communication will be sent to your nominated email account with new MiClub login details. Please reach out to the team for any difficulties.

Golf Course (Green Fee) Only Members - For your first online booking through MiClub, you will be asked to create an account which we will add membership access so you are able make a booking without payment.

General Public - Similarly for your first booking you will be asked to make an account which you can then use for all subsequent bookings. Payment is required at the time of booking for non-members (of the golf course).

Learning MiClub - So you don't miss out on tee times when the new system is live, please use the initial changeover period to create your MiClub account and make yourself familiar with its booking process. Click here for an article on member bookings and here for an article on public bookings.


We thank you for your patience during this changeover. If you experience any issues in booking - or have any further questions - please contact our friendly staff in the Pro Shop (9551 5163) who will endeavour to do their best in assisting you.

TripAdvisor Panel

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